I'm currently looking into the role of the tutor in the online environment, predominantly in the FE sector but any experience would be valued.
Is the tutor becoming more of a facilitator? In e-learning, is it inevitable that the tutor takes more of a supportive (rather then pro-active, even didactic) role?
Can students learn "effectively" in this way?
And the key question, is it possible for students eventually to learn without tutor support at all?
Kate Fairbairn

4 Responses
Yes, there is a (different) role for tutors
It would be useful to you to carry our a search on ‘tutor skills’ in the Any Answers Search as this topic has been explored on several previous occasions. Also, have a look at the Topical Briefings papers, where there are several postings on online training skills.
To summarise some of the points raised in earlier discussions:
Tim Pickles, Founder, TrainingZONE
tutor roles
Research shows that there is a 30% increase in training retention in an e-learning environment.
The tutor does become more of a supportive person than a teacher.
The internet is the medium, not the message. Developing your own understanding of how people learn is the foundation of good coaching, allowing individuals to take responsibility for their own learning.
Learning logs are good way to get students into active reflection, this then shows them the learning curve they have experienced.
The e-tutor needs to be pro-active, even more than a classroom tutor. There is a danger that the freedom to learn ‘wherever you are, whenever you want’ can degenerate into anarchy. Therefore the e-tutors role is that of moderator and facilitator, making use of the most suitable delivery means for each aspect of learning (e-learning, chat-rooms, forums, classroom, background reading, projects, simulations etc.)
The integrated learning approach provides a much more exciting and successful learning environment than anything before.
Competencies for e-Tutors
There’s powerful evidence that the role played by online tutors for effective e-Learning is vital.
Left entirely to their own devices learners can feel isolated; course completion rates are much higher where proactive support from a skilled tutor is the norm.
Unfortunately, the generic skills required of the e-tutor are neither commonplace nor simple common sense.