For about a week now, the world has been taken over by the fantasy animals of Pokémon Go. The game, that allows the user to catch the animals on all sorts of locations with their smartphone, even forms an example for mobile training. Are you looking for more engagement in your training? Then check out these five reasons why Pokémon Go is the ultimate example for mobile training!
1. It’s close to the real world
Pokémon Go makes smart use of the world around us. The animals are shown in their natural habitat at the locations that the user visits. Augmented reality shows them on the smartphone’s camera screen, which is optimally used. The same camera is equally essential when recording your response to a video role play, and the environment also plays its part: a smartphone gives you the freedom to train soft skills in a related environment, such as presentation techniques in an empty lecture hall. Yet if you prefer your own couch, that’s possible as well.
2. It can be done in between activities
Although quite some players seem to disagree, Pokémon Go can actually be played for just a couple of minutes in between other activities. Join your smoking colleagues to catch a passing Pidgee, for instance. This is exactly how easy training with a smartphone is: use a short break in between two meetings to sharpen and refresh your communication skills.
3. You can do it anywhere
Not only can the game be played anywhere, being en route is actually ideal for finding new Pokémon. Mobile training, too, is perfect for travelling employees: practice is always available. In contrast to the game, mobile training can be done at the passenger’s seat or in a train as well.
4. You have to practice to get better
Catching a Pokémon is not as easy as it may sound. You have to know how and when to throw your pokéball, which requires practice. The same goes for soft skills: only after you’ve experienced the same situation a couple of times, you’ll find out what works best. This can be practiced unlimitedly with mobile training. A minus point for the game: your amount of pokéballs isn’t infinite.
5. You aim to become a master
In order to catch the rarest Pokémon, players are performing antics they otherwise never would. Computer-glued gamers that haven’t been outside in years, suddenly scour the park or paddle up the river. The final goal: becoming a Pokémon master! In the same way, mobile training helps users to go outside their comfort zone and acquire completely new skills, with a similar goal: becoming a master in communication.
Comment if you see any more similarities between Pokémon Go and mobile training!
For about a week now, the world has been taken over by the fantasy animals of Pokémon Go. The game, that allows the user to catch the animals on all sorts of locations with their smartphone, even forms an example for mobile training. Are you looking for more engagement in your training? Then check out these five reasons why Pokémon Go is the ultimate example for mobile training!
1. It’s close to the real world
Pokémon Go makes smart use of the world around us. The animals are shown in their natural habitat at the locations that the user visits. Augmented reality shows them on the smartphone’s camera screen, which is optimally used. The same camera is equally essential when recording your response to a video role play, and the environment also plays its part: a smartphone gives you the freedom to train soft skills in a related environment, such as presentation techniques in an empty lecture hall. Yet if you prefer your own couch, that’s possible as well.
2. It can be done in between activities
Although quite some players seem to disagree, Pokémon Go can actually be played for just a couple of minutes in between other activities. Join your smoking colleagues to catch a passing Pidgee, for instance. This is exactly how easy training with a smartphone is: use a short break in between two meetings to sharpen and refresh your communication skills.
3. You can do it anywhere
Not only can the game be played anywhere, being en route is actually ideal for finding new Pokémon. Mobile training, too, is perfect for travelling employees: practice is always available. In contrast to the game, mobile training can be done at the passenger’s seat or in a train as well.
4. You have to practice to get better
Catching a Pokémon is not as easy as it may sound. You have to know how and when to throw your pokéball, which requires practice. The same goes for soft skills: only after you’ve experienced the same situation a couple of times, you’ll find out what works best. This can be practiced unlimitedly with mobile training. A minus point for the game: your amount of pokéballs isn’t infinite.
5. You aim to become a master
In order to catch the rarest Pokémon, players are performing antics they otherwise never would. Computer-glued gamers that haven’t been outside in years, suddenly scour the park or paddle up the river. The final goal: becoming a Pokémon master! In the same way, mobile training helps users to go outside their comfort zone and acquire completely new skills, with a similar goal: becoming a master in communication.
Comment if you see any more similarities between Pokémon Go and mobile training!
2 Responses
I would question the role of
I would question the role of mobile training (videoing yourself delivering a presentation to an empty hall) in helping, without simulating the live situation (with an audience) and getting feedback on your presentation technique.
Hi Bryan, thanks for your
Hi Bryan, thanks for your comment! I agree that simulation with a live audience will be more effective, yet up until (or in the absence of) that opportunity, mobile training is very effective. Several Dutch universities are using it and one of them will publish a scientific analysis soon!