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Fiona Quigley


Director of Learning Innovation

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If we can dream it, we can build it: the future of learning technology



Our blog this week is about the future of learning technology. We feel that some versions of the LMS have not supported us well and that we need to demand more from our learning technology providers. We'd love to hear from others who feel the same or have other insights.

The full blog post is here (5 min read)

We are hoping that this quiet technology revolution is enough to finally kick-start the L&D rEvolution!



2 Responses

  1. Wow, the future for learning
    Wow, the future for learning tech is indeed impressive. I’m about 2 years into understanding the art of the possible now and moving away from old ideas of what L & D is. However, just having whizzy tech isn’t enough. People working in L & D have to develop new and different skills and become almost like a Marketing Team. This is because often Organisational Cultures will enable or stifle the use of Tech. If the org won’t play ball or change their view about what constitutes a valuable learning experience; the tech is dead in the water.
    Going back to the changing skills or roles of L & D professionals; I think one of the big changes required is to stop talking in L&D jargon and start talking the language of the business. This may only be a subtle change but sill start to move L & D from a necessary evil to a key enabler to achieve business objectives. I’d be keen to hear what other think?

    1. It is impressive Clive, but
      It is impressive Clive, but as you say tech is only part of the story. My hope though is that the ‘fancy’ tech and the possibilities will help L&D see that there is so much more we can do. Tech is used in so many other parts of the business where people do speak this language so maybe this would be a good place to start?

      Best wishes,

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Fiona Quigley

Director of Learning Innovation

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