4 Tips to Make Development work and Training


The year did your company invest in Development and training which failed to supply the results you sought? If worker training classes led to the transport of information for your 20, you’re not alone. Actual employee modification, based on the training Content, is more difficult to demonstrate in organizations. Discouraging? You bet. What’s an organization? […]

Enablers vs Debilitators


The best teacher I ever had was, undoubtedly, Mr Emery. When I was nine, I started my first ‘novel’ and I’ll never forget his enthusiasm and encouragement of my efforts. I wrote three chapters before the distractions of youth and the complexities of writing about the adventures of swallows emigrating to Africa, when I’d never […]

Over 100 training resources free to download


Loads of free training resources to download from influencing to management; from training admin to training needs analysis. Click here Loads of free training resources to download from influencing to management; from training admin to training needs analysis. Click here

Credit scores: how employers can help employees improve it


With all the big changes in the current political and economic climate, it’s fair to say that millions of employees are feeling a very large and painful financial pinch. In fact, in a survey of over 10,000 employees and 500 employers, 33% of employees said that financial worries are their biggest concern, after health (29%) […]

The debt stigma – how trainers can help


There is a stigma in UK workplaces that employers are rarely tackling, but must.  It focuses on the vast levels of debt that millions of UK employees are carrying and which is shown, through mounting evidence, to have a debilitating impact on an employee’s wellbeing, their work and, as a consequence, a businesses’ overall productivity. […]

How defensive behaviour can cost your business


Have you ever been in a meeting where people’s behaviour creates an atmosphere that just isn’t productive? Or chatted on the phone to a customer services adviser and the person on the line just doesn’t want to help you? Creating the right climate between people within an organisation can increase business productivity by 22%; research we’ve […]

The algorithm for finding your Self-realization


What is a success, and how to achieve it? Despite the fact that written and said a lot, each of us goes its way to the goals. It’s not always easy, not all elections are obvious. We want to help you find yourself and give you the most useful advice on how to achieve your […]

5 ways to generation-proof your business


  Ugh, Millennials. *Eye roll*… Understanding Millennials – or more accurately, emphasising the differences between generations – is big business. And of course, it’s more of a headline-grabber to make it a tribal thing. It’s a case of divide-and-conquer. But the more diligent research studies show that we have more in common than we might […]

The Gamification of Learning


“My friend came to stay this weekend and we were talking about work; she said she really hated training days until they got a new trainer in. She was telling me about a game they’d played, with the new trainer. It turned out to be Hold the Front Page!” What a fantastic email to get […]

Driving process improvement through learning


In the third article of our series looking at how learning professionals can deliver on five key business outcomes, Laura Overton, CEO and founder of Towards Maturity, provides insights into how the most successful organisations are fine-tuning business outcomes. As learning professionals we are regularly asked to use technology to help fine-tune the learning process. […]

Leadership traits: real leader don’t makes excuses


As a businessman, you should be a real leader in your business. Exceptional leaders maintain optimum between business premonition, performance and character. They have vision, quality, uprightness, humility and focus close by the ability to plan purposely and catalyze cooperation among their team. Various leadership qualities have been recognized that are important to great leaders […]

Success stories that will inspire you to work hard


Reading success stories is as easy as finding a recruitment agency for construction. However, putting action into words is as difficult as breaking up concrete by hand. So, we are setting the base for you by sharing amazing success stories, and we hope you will take this to the next level. 1. Arianna Huffington Do […]

How to see change as a potential for growth


We may not always enjoy it, but change is an inevitable part of life that we all must experience at some point or other. This becomes evident quite early on in life, as we lose teeth and grow out of our favourite clothes. But while we often assume that progress and change go hand-in-hand, this […]

Theft is theft so sack ’em. Right?


  Theft is normally written into contracts of employment as a good example of gross misconduct and leading to dismissal from the company. However beware …. things may not be as they seem: http://www.abctrainingsolutions.biz/blog_management_skills_Theft_is_Theft.html  Theft is normally written into contracts of employment as a good example of gross misconduct and leading to dismissal from the company. […]

Recruitment interview the WASP way – buzz! buzz!


  WASP is a popular model to structure a recruitment interview. We’ve converted the W.A.S.P. stages into a series of behavioural competencies. It can be used to self-assess when interviewing or use as a checklist to observe other recruiters’ interviews as part of their coaching plan.   Welcome Settles candidate in (e.g. refreshments; permission to […]

Always have a wingman when dealing with difficult people


Claire Ferguson of Mediacom has some sage advice on dealing with difficult people in the workplace, and explains why you should always take a probation period seriously.  “My best piece of advice on managing difficult individuals is ‘try not to react emotionally’, but it’s hard to do that, because clearly you’re still talking about people. […]

Helping our learners learn by reducing information overload


Emma Sue Prince is the founder of Unimenta, a free resource for practitioners delivering experiential learning or soft skills. Join them today. Let’s face it – we are all overwhelmed with information these days coming at us from every angle. From morning to night we are all suffering from a massive dose of information be that […]

24 Tips to be more productive


Image – https://pixabay.com/en/time-clock-head-woman-face-view-1739629/ I am not promising you twenty eight hours here, but, instead, helping you pack in more work in those same number of hours. The world may tell you that you cannot have a successful professional life, a rocking social life and a healthy and happy personal life simultaneously, but we beg to differ. […]

Reflections on performance management


Reflecting on various interventions to establish and inculcate good effective performance management practices I have identified the following critical actions that deliver great results: Help people to understand the role of being a manager and what it entails before they become one.Many people look at a management role as a way of making good progression […]