Why it’s Good to Share Your Stories

Stories have played a massive part in my professional and personal life. Outside of work, I write creatively just for the fun of it. It’s something I’ve loved doing since I was a child. It’s an activity that, because it requires focus, centres me completely in the moment and provides escape from the noise that’s […]
5 Inquiries For Conscious Professionals

In these persistently transformative times, the disruptions around us serve as catalysts for change, reshaping the landscape of possibilities and potential. Amid today’s tumult, we are presented with a daily invitation to re-evaluate and redirect our efforts. More significantly, each moment provides an opportunity to steer our thoughts toward new directions with heightened intention. […]
Why Punishment Has No Place in Learning

As previous readers will know, I have a two year old horse who I’m attempting to train using natural horsemanship, repeating a process I went through 12 years ago with Merlin. To record my progress and to help me review, evaluate and learn from my performance, I decided to start videoing our training sessions. Being […]
Overcoming Conscious Leadership Challenges

In the bustling landscape of contemporary leadership, the call for Conscious Leaders echoes through the corridors of change. The essence of Conscious Leadership lies in the delicate dance between profit and purpose, empathy, and efficiency. Yet, as we embark on this transformative journey, we encounter a myriad of challenges that test the resilience of […]
The Conscious Future Of Law Firms

In the dynamic landscape of the legal industry, where advancements in technology, evolving work preferences, and a growing emphasis on wellbeing are reshaping traditional norms, the concept of Conscious Leadership emerges as a guiding light. As we step into the next decade, a profound transformation is poised to unfold, one that will see Conscious […]
Tips for Virtual Delivery – Part 2: Engagement

In my previous blog, I provided the first three top tips for effective virtual delivery, which for me are the basics: Choose a system that supports learning. Keep your group small. Keep sessions short. In this blog, I want to provide three more tips that will help you begin to create a learning environment where […]
Tips for Virtual Delivery – Part 1: The Basics

Some believed that virtual delivery was a short term ‘fix’ in response to the unique challenges of the pandemic, and that the old norms would return as soon as it was over. However, the fact that it has allowed many organisations to dramatically reduce costs, whilst eliminating travel and thereby helping the environment, means that virtual […]
Conscious Affirmations for Aligned Leadership

Affirmations sometimes unfairly get a bit of a bad press… you might even be thinking twice about reading this article as you sense I might be limbering up to get all new agey on you. I hope to put your mind at ease. Let’s start by thinking about affirmations as powerfully intentional self-talk. Through […]
5 Tips from Actors to Improve Presentation SkIlls

As we all know, a presentation can make or break a pitch, a training session and/or our reputations. But how do you take your presenting game to the next level? Well, why not get some tips from one of the most accomplished presenters out there: actors! Actors have been perfecting their craft for centuries, so […]
What the Theatre Can Teach Us About Communication

At its core, theatre is about communication. Every line delivered, every costume worn, and every movement made all come together to form something that speaks directly to an audience. With each performance comes a new lesson in how we communicate with one another. It turns out that there are many things we can learn from […]
What My Childhood Piano Lessons Taught Me

I started having piano lessons when I was about six. I’d been clambering up onto the piano stool and banging out a few ‘tunes’ since a toddler and so my father, in his wisdom, decided I should have some lessons. Less wisely, he chose the same teacher who’d taught him as a child, Mr Lovell, […]
Cultivating Mindfulness in the Digital Age

Navigating the Path to Inner Balance Dear fellow Conscious Professionals! As we delve deeper into the digital era, the importance of cultivating mindfulness becomes ever more paramount. The relentless pace of modern life bombards us with distractions, leaving us feeling disconnected from ourselves and others. In this article, we will explore practical ways to […]
Should I tell my team they’re stars?

Someone told me the other day that they never tell anyone that they’re a star. Which drew my attention to the fact that I do. All the time. I even tried it with my French teacher but apparently it’s not a phrase the French use. She suggested I use instead, “Tu es un as” (You […]
Wisdom 2.0 2023 in Review

As I write this, I am still buzzing from the incredible experience that was the Wisdom 2.0 Conference 2023 in San Francisco. As a mindfulness teacher and author, I was thrilled to be able to physically attend this annual gathering of thought leaders, entrepreneurs, and practitioners exploring the intersection of wisdom and technology for the […]
The Art of Desk-Bombing

Desk-bombing; it’s a thing apparently. One in a long line of office catchphrases. It describes the act of approaching someone at their desk to talk to them, without warning. Apparently, in some circles, this is considered scandalous. So, let me confess upfront, I am a desk-bomber. I delight in it; always have. My most cherished […]
Bringing Mindfulness Home

The basics of interior design teach us that our moods, sleep patterns, and ability to relax will be impacted by colours, lighting, design, furniture placement, materials, and more. But let’s imagine that the old aphorism As Within, So Without holds a Universal truth and that our home environment is also a reflection of our […]
How To Work Well Asynchronously

Asynchronous work is a simple concept:Do as much as you can with what you have, document everything,transfer ownership of the project to the next person,then start working on something else. Preston Wickersham, Start-Up Mentor Introducing Async Asynchronous work describes a method of progressing shared projects and tasks where collaborators are unable to communicate […]
What If vs What IS Thinking

Since a child, I’ve sufffered from nerves and anxiety. As I prepare to step outside my comfort zone (which I’ve done countless times with a lot of success), my imggination will show me all the things that could go wrong. I’ll have sleepless nights where my mind plays out a myriad of future possibilities that […]
Beyond Wellbeing Washing

Integrating A Conscious Culture By Neil Seligman, Founder of The Conscious Professional If your company is looking to integrate wellbeing beyond the superficial, I recommend starting with these four questions and then building out your integrated wellbeing plan from there. 1. How is the wellbeing of staff linked to the overall business vision […]
A Message To Quiet Conscious Leaders

All over the world, I meet you – brilliant individuals quietly doing the work of Conscious Leadership. You approach me at events and conferences, telling me of your years of meditation, yoga, or spiritual practice and your dedication to creating conscious cultures and innovation in your families, teams, and organisations. You are empaths, meditators, […]